I have hundreds of used books, in excellent condition, for sale. I have hardcover and paperbacks, fiction and nonfiction, and I'm sure I have some by your favorite authors. The fiction are of most genre: mystery, historical, classic, romance, western, paranormal, horror, inspirational, action/adventure, thriller, fantasy, etc. The nonfiction are on a wide variety of subjects and topics. I sell these books through a booklist called EZRA'S BOOKLIST which I send by e-mail to everyone who requests it. I update the booklist regularly and all future updates are sent as well (until I receive notice by e-mail to discontinue sending the booklist). Books can be shipped (buyer pays for shipping) or we can arrange to meet anywhere in the Roanoke area for the transaction. The prices are amazingly low (garage sale prices: $1 - $6 for hardcover; and even less for paperbacks.) E-mail today to begin receiving EZRA'S BOOKLIST. E-mail me at: ezrasbooklist@yahoo.com